Hoo Rah!

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

1.9.12 -- Huatabampo

A message for the BYU guys--I would respond to them, but it´s against mission rules. But they do keep me laughing and happy.

4 pairs of holes.

This is Hna. Peña. She´s a nice old woman who had 20 kids. An RM from a few years ago wrote me last week, asking about her and her kids. Ian, she still remembers you, and her kids. I haven´t heard anything about your converts though.

She also bore her testimony last week--it was amazing. Her great grandson rolled her to the front and everything went quiet. She began to speak. No one said a word. She testified of Christ, of the Book of Mormon, of the family, of the Restoration, and of Joseph Smith. The Spirit came and was felt. It was awesome.

We were teaching an old man this week when he suddenly pulled of his sock and showed us his painted toenails. That was funky.

I was speaking with a few other missionaries on the phone this week when the guy on the other end of the line said the Spanish equivalent of, "I love you, man." I responded likewise. I then told him, "I never said anything like that to hardlyanyone before the mission." He laughed, and said, "Yeah, I believe you. But you´ve changed a lot." We had arrived together to the mission.

That was cool. Unfortunately, I have no more time. I´m sorry. For the lack of content and for the lack of organization.

Elder Humbert

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