Hoo Rah!

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6.12.12 -- Obregon

The reason why I´m writing today is because we had a meeting with Pte. Velez yesterday, his last meeting in Obregon. So P-Day is today. More on that later, if my time doesn´t run out.
I love hearing mission stories. And hearing about Nick and all the other youth is GREAT. That is so cool. Hahaha awesome
I´ve stopped to analyze the many ways that the mission has changed me. Little moments like that one with Scott have normally been the ways that it has happened. I love the mission. I am so grateful for it. But at the same time, I HATE the heat and humidity soooo much. But I´ll end up missing it at some point as well. Which sounds so dumb to me right now in the moment.
We went to Concilio this last week. Pte. let E. Mooney drive both his cars to and from the offices and mission home. He was stoked, even if he´s ashamed to say that he has now officially driven a mini-van.
The elders that are leaving with Pte. all testified.
E. Beeston was first. He´ll be remembered for his singing voice, irrepressible cheerfulness, the wonders that he worked in every single one of his areas, and for the fact that in almost every single place he´s been in, women have almost assaulted him for having blue eyes and being so handsome.
E. Dewey had more success in Cananea, one of the hardest areas in the mission, than some missionaries for the majority of their mission. And the family he helped be baptized are still going strong. He´ll be remembered for being so dang tall and allegedly speaking like Spanish like an Arab.
E. Sanchez (he has a Mexican last name, but he´s from Livermore) worked his heart out in Bacobampo as a Branch Pres. He never stopped working, no matter how much difficulties he had, and continued to convert people even if their circumstances did not permit them to be baptized. He´ll be finishing up in Hermosillo with E. Rivas (the guy I trained). I also loved his accent. The guy is hilarious
E. Mooney is known for turning the small town of Sonoyta into what it is now. He built houses, gave service, and did not care what any of his leaders told him about how he needed to change the way he worked if he knew the Spirit was telling him to do so. When he knows something is right, it does not matter what anyone else tells him, he will do it regardless. He knows more about the drug trade (he taught so many dealers up there on the border) than most policeman. He never complains and has never stopped working. He´ll be remembered for a lot of reasons.
We went with the youth that got baptized a few weeks ago. He wants to go on a mission. No time for details.
Our investigator that we testified to loves the BoM. Her favorite verse so far is 1 Nephi 3:7, even though no one told her about it.
Love you all,
Elder Humbert

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